Home News Running Unopposed For Treasurer: SGA Special Election

Running Unopposed For Treasurer: SGA Special Election

by Sunah Choudhry

With a new Student Government Association (SGA) inducted last week, the position of treasurer is up for grabs. Heather Francis, a junior international justice major, has decided to run for the open position.

According to Associate Director for Student Involvement Julie Fleming, Francis is currently running unopposed for SGA treasurer and will officially be on the ballot for the position in the following week.

Francis explained how she would use her platform to support social justice initiatives and to give students a voice in order to express their concerns.

“I plan on making all money the Student Government [Association] spends transparent to the student body,” Francis said. “I intend on making sure, from here on out, [that] the SGA spends ethically and sustainability.”

Francis also wants to research how the SGA’s purchases are affecting the local, national and international community while simultaneously making sure students on campus feel important.

Being frustrated with previous administrations, Francis felt discouraged to run. However, after seeing the fresh faces in our current administration, she changed her mind and wanted to get involved.

“When I saw those who were running run on platforms of social justice initiatives, I felt empowered,” Francis said. “I felt like I am going to make a difference on a Student Government [Association] level.”

Vice President of the SGA James Clark explained that in place of Francis attending the general election debate, a video would be released of her instead.

“It would be recorded video, not a live video, and it would be her answering those same questions that she would have been asked had she been at the debate in the general election,” Clark said.

“I am running for treasurer because I believe the Student Government [Association] needs to be a place students feel comfortable going to when they have a concern,” Francis said. “I am running for treasurer because I believe the Student Government [Association] needs to act like a student government.”

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