Home NewsLocal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Visit Montclair State

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Visit Montclair State

by Montclarion News

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be on campus to attend Peak Performance’s upcoming production of William Shakespeare’s famed, “The Merchant of Venice.” at the end of the month.

“Having Justice Ginsburg on campus is clearly a big moment for Montclair State,” said Associate Professor of Communication and Media, Joel Penney.

“She really is one of the most iconic figures in recent American history, and judging by all those ‘Notoriou RBG’ memes on the internet, many young people look up to her as kind of a political rock star. I’m excited to see how our students react to her visit.”

Ginsburg is notorious for being the second female justice confirmed to the court in 1993 during the Clinton administration. She is known for her liberal values as well as for her contributions to the women’s movement.

The Supreme Court Justice has visited many colleges throughout the country and has inspired students through her speeches. She once addressed a group of over 1,000 students, faculty and staff at Stanford Memorial Church in California where she read from her book of writings and speeches entitled, “My Own Words”.

Ginsburg will watch her grandson Paul Spera in the production on campus at Alexander Kasser Theater. It is also reported that Ginsburg will participate in a talk-back about the production on Sept. 23. The invite-only event is scheduled to be live-streamed on Facebook.

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