Home Opinion Senior Goodbye: Tess

Senior Goodbye: Tess

by MontclarionWeb

Tess Reynolds – Former Co-Entertainment Editor

When I first joined The Montclarion, I had no idea how important the organization would become to my college career. I had an interest in editing and emailed the former entertainment editor to see if there was an available position and luckily she was looking for an assistant. What started as a few writing assignments here and there soon turned into staying at the office for hours, desperately trying to not be the last section finished. I never imagined The Montclarion would have the impact it did on my time at Montclair State, but I wouldn’t trade the time I spent with the paper for any other organization on campus.

The Montclarion gave me the opportunity to work on something I am passionate about as well as connect me with some of the greatest and most dedicated students on campus. I know I’m surrounded by peers who are going to go far in life — especially when it’s 11 p.m. and they are still writing stories and formatting sections. I have insane amounts of respect for every editor, particularly Deanna Rosa and Dana Jarvis. Both Rosa and Jarvis took on roles that required an extra amount of dedication to the paper, and neither of them complained nearly as much as they deserved to. Or maybe they did and I did not hear it. Regardless, the paper was fantastic this semester because of those two ladies, as well as the copy editors and Thomas Formoso, the managing editor.

I would like to say a special thank you to Awije Bahrami, who was my co-editor this semester but has been the entertainment editor for much longer than I have. She always went the extra mile with her articles and was overall a great person to work with. Without her, I probably would have forgotten to find a new student for the Student Artist Profile every week.

I’ve enjoyed college so much more because of my time at The Montclarion and while I’m sad to leave the paper behind, I’m excited to see how it continues to grow and represent the student voice at Montclair State.

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