Home Sports These Athletes Scored on and off the Field as Red Hawk Sports Couples

These Athletes Scored on and off the Field as Red Hawk Sports Couples

by Samantha Impaglia

Goalkeeper Allyn Lilien and long stick midfielder Wilson Smith are a couple on the Red Hawks lacrosse teams.
Photo courtesy of Allyn Lilien


Sophomore midfielders Brogan Quigley and Emily DeGeyter are a Red Hawks soccer couple.
Photo courtesy of Brogan Quigley


Christian Boyle and Kaitlyn Arcede are a sophomore couple on the men’s and women’s lacrosse teams.
Photo courtesy of Kaitlyn Arcede


Matt Schnoll is a junior offensive lineman on the football team, and his girlfriend Morgan Connon is junior midfielder on the women’s lacrosse team.
Photo courtesy of Morgan Connon


Peter Obertan is a junior forward/center on the men’s basketball team and his girlfriend Savannah Schuermann is on the dance team. The two have been dating since high school.
Photo courtesy of Savannah Schuermann


Kaitlyn Scrivanich is junior women’s soccer forward, and her boyfriend Michael Ferdinandi is a junior men’s lacrosse midfielder.
Photo courtesy of Kaitlyn Scrivanich

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