Home SportsIce Hockey Woman’s Hockey Team Runs on Desire

Woman’s Hockey Team Runs on Desire

by Montclarion Sports
Nora Fogarty skates with the puck. Photo by @msugirlshockey Instagram

Nora Fogarty skates with the puck.
Photo by @msugirlshockey Instagram


The Montclair State University women’s club hockey team is heading into this weekend’s game with renewed confidence, thanks to two wins at home against Liberty University last month, which brought their record to 2-6.

“We learned in the Liberty game to play more disciplined,” Head Coach David Solomon said. “All of a sudden the penalties were going our way. That’s the key to success, let them take penalties and beat them on the scoreboard.”

This year the Red Hawks roster is only made up of ten skaters and one goalie, which takes its toll during a long season stretching from September to March.
Solomon believes that team chemistry has been the reason for the team’s success at their last two games.

“I noticed right in the beginning this team has instant chemistry,” Solomon said. “No one’s shy to say what needs to be said on the bench.”

Progress from players like Red Hawks goalie Kawanne Ferguson, also known as Kaye, has been instrumental in the team’s success.

“Kaye has improved a lot from September until now,” Solomon said. “We’ve gone from giving up nine to ten goals a game to two or three.”

The women’s hockey program is in its third year, and the players take pride its development.

“Kaye played with me last year,” freshman forward Harper Sanderson said. “This year she’s totally different. She’s committed to playing goalie and giving 110 percent all the time.”

The Red Hawks take the ice next on Dec. 10 against Rutgers University. Montclair State has not played Rutgers yet this year, and the upcoming game poses a potential threat to the Red Hawks’ winning streak.

“It feels like we are the start of something,” freshman forward Victoria Nicolosi said. “When everyone came out to see us win our first game of the year, it showed great support for our team.”

Assistant Coach Ed Gaetjens loves the team’s desire to be better, individually and collectively, saying, “Each player on this team has a desire to improve. That’s why it’s been great to work with this team.”

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