Home SportsLacrosse Men’s Lacrosse Team Shaves Their Heads to Donate $19,000 to Charity

Men’s Lacrosse Team Shaves Their Heads to Donate $19,000 to Charity

by Jared Alvarez

The Red Hawks men’s lacrosse team recently decided to commit an act of kindness that would put a smile on an entire building in Boston, Massachusetts.

The week before spring break began for Montclair State University, 19 members of the lacrosse team decided shave their heads for Lacrosse for Life, a charity that lets any lacrosse team participate to support the top pediatric research hospital in the world, Boston Children Hospital. For each player who’s head is shaved, the charity donates $1,000 to help the hospital.

Junior attack Cal Mackenzie and junior long stick midfielder Wilson Smith arranged the charitable event in Belleville, New Jersey. Hockey and lacrosse players pride themselves on their luscious hair and for some, it is their identity. In the beginning, it was two players who decided to sit in a chair as Mackenzie and senior midfielder Skyler Francisco were in charge of being the barbers.

A couple of players went first. Then more and more began to arrive once they saw what was going on and how simple it was.

Smith explained what it was like when the clipper was going through his hair, cutting it all off.

“What was going through our minds was how something so easy can raise so much money and make a huge impact for many of kids,” Smith said.

Once all the hair was swept up and the last player went, 19 players got a new haircut. The Red Hawks men’s lacrosse team raised $19,000 and the lacrosse community as a whole raised over two million.

These actions the team took will be forever remembered and may show the world how easy it is to do something good for someone. The team was in the process of leaving their mark on the field as they started a perfect 4-0 season before it was cut short amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

The team had their sights set on hoisting a Colonial States Athletic Conference championship. Although it would have been a great accomplishment, a trophy can not match the amount of good the men’s lacrosse team has done for Boston Children’s Hospital.

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