I‘m Casey and I just beat the coronavirus (COVID-19).
After having been stuck in campus-isolation for about a week, I have just graduated to campus-quarantine. I still need to keep myself sane until I can go home for Thanksgiving, but on the bright side, I do get to experience this quarantine for you so that you can be up to date on protocol, without having to get the virus yourself.
Did you guys miss me? I am very sorry for not posting last night, but I had very little to talk about. I do not want to take up any more of your time than I think I already do.
Yesterday was my first day back at work. It feels great to get back into my old routine. It gives me a feeling of normalcy that I was lacking when I was confined inside.
The reason I did not have much to write about yesterday is that I had class all day. I am sure you do not want to hear about the average classroom monotony, so I wanted to wait until I had more information for you.
Today, I got a package from my aunt. She sent me a mini projector that projects pictures of characters from “The Mandalorian” onto the ceiling. If you know me, you know I am a huge “Star Wars” fan, so this gift is absolutely awesome.

The projector my aunt bought for me projects The Child onto my ceiling.
Casey Masterson | The Montclarion
I also worked out some move-in logistics with my roommate for when his quarantine is up. He is leaving campus on Monday, Nov. 23 and is taking all of the items from the fridge with him so that they do not go bad. He will also scrub the place down before he leaves to eliminate the chance of reinfecting me.
Jo-El Gordon, my roommate, still has no symptoms and has tested negative. So, this cleaning measure is purely precautionary.
For my part, I will be washing all of my sheets and laundry tonight, which includes Wicket’s belongings and my own. This ensures that when I bring my clothes and blankets back, nothing is carrying the virus on it. I will also be disinfecting my quarantine apartment tonight, just in case. I will be moving back into my old apartment on Monday, which I will disinfect before I leave for the semester on Wednesday.
Sadly, that Monday will also be the end of the COVID-cation series. Until then, you still have me for a little while to regale you with my not-so-harrowing struggles as COVID-19 convalescent.
However, tonight will not be all work and no play, because we know how dangerous that can be. I get to record some b-roll of myself reading my blog for News Lab. This will be very interesting, since I am not the best at taking good pictures, let alone videos.
I hope I am just underestimating myself. I do not want to ruin the story with some shoddy camera work.
Wicket gets to be the star of the show. He is acting all cute and is the perfect model for me to be taking pictures of.
Tonight is going to be a long one. I have been tired recently. I am not sure if this is a holdover from being sick, but it is pretty hard to get things done when I am so lethargic.
That is all for tonight, folks. Stay cool.