Drink and dance Drink and dance You said you like me better when I drink So I do Drink and dance The night was Lackluster full Of chewed ice and …
An intentionally persuasive poem to get readers to open their minds and view life differently.
They grow in the unlikeliestof places where a rainstormseems to have ravagedevery inch of the garden Under the ruins ofdemolished leavesthe tiniest of sprouts flourishinto a thicket of inflorescence New …
I am the exile son, hollow body yet filled with purpose
The journey of a welcoming blissful unfamiliarity. The only catch: don’t question its presence.
I don’t care for those eternal flames anymore So take your unripe figs and hit The ground running Your weak pulsed excuses Won’t save you from those bitter tales You …
I wrote this piece solely based on my parents’ account. I have no recollection of this event. When I was a baby, I destroyed my mother’s beautiful vintage clock- arguably …