Before 2017 came to an end, Montclair State University students prepared their resolutions for the upcoming year. From maintaining healthier habits to setting academic goals, some students look forward to starting 2018 with a clean slate.
Iris Kaifa, a graduate student studying computer engineering, is one of these students. Her New Year’s resolution is to pay off her loans during the upcoming year.
“I’m gonna pay off all of my student loans for 2018,” Kaifa said. “Debt free.”
Every year, the most popular resolutions among people usually include developing healthier lifestyles. Whether it be through improving eating habits or by implementing a fitness routine, most people want to work on their health.
“Currently, I have no [resolutions] but [one would] probably [be] to start going to the gym,” said freshman television and digital media major Nicholas Cherrey.

Nicholas Cherrey plans to go to the gym and get a job during 2018.
Lucia Rubi-Godoy | The Montclarion
Cherrey also mentioned that he hopes to get a job.
Along with improving one’s lifestyle through fitness, students and even staff members are trying to eliminate old habits and create new ones for the new year.
“My New Year’s resolution would be to stop drinking alcohol, take vitamins and [to] meditate,” said Davon Black, a cook for the Red Hawk dining services.
One goal that many students set for themselves year after year is to keep their academics in good shape.
“I currently don’t have any, but I hope to do better next semester than I did this semester,” said junior mathematics major Kaylie Vazquez. “There’s always room for improvement.”

Kaylie Vazquez and Anthony Williams have plans to improve their grades during 2018.
Lucia Rubi-Godoy | The Montclarion
Students not only want to improve their grades but also hope to pass their courses as a whole.
“My New Year’s resolution is to pass all my classes next semester,” said junior computer science major Anthony Williams. “I ain’t trying to retake nothing.”
For students who want to get started early on in the year with their fitness goals, Campus Recreation is offering a five-day trip to upstate New York starting on Jan. 4 with multiple winter activities and sports offered. The Student Recreation Center will be open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays from Jan. 2 to Jan. 14. The rec center will begin its regular hours of operation for the spring semester on Jan. 15.