Home Feature This Week In Greek: New Semester, New Interest

This Week In Greek: New Semester, New Interest

by Montclarion Feature
Brothers of Alpha Chi Rho at the Greek Organization Fair.

Brothers of Alpha Chi Rho at the Greek Organization Fair.

Montclair State University Greek Life started the semester off with a bang by having their annual Greek Organization Fair on Jan 25.

Over the past year, the Greek community at Montclair State has grown immensely in size, nearly doubling their overall number and reaching over 900 members total.

Emily Cordero, Coordinator for Greek Life, said, “This semester, we are looking to be as successful as possible and have as many individuals find their home in Greek Life as we can. Our community doubled in size last spring and I would love to do it again.”

Michael Ladines, Director of Greek Affairs at Montclair State, said in regard to the night of events, “I think it was a very successful night. It is always a great feeling to see people lining up at the door to meet our 37 organizations.”

Over 200 students came to the Student Center Ballrooms to meet all the Greek organizations, in hopes of finding the organization that would be the best fit for them.

“It was a great turnout for a Monday night from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m,” Cordero said. “Due to room booking conflicts, we were unable to hold the event on a Wednesday during common hours as we usually do, so this was something new for us. It ended up working out great and I was very surprised and happy with the turnout.”

With such a large turnout at their Greek Organization Fair, the community is looking forward to a semester of growth and sucess.

“A lot of people came out with interest in all different councils. We are hoping to grow our community and strengthen this semester,” said Ladines.

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