Home Entertainment Back To School Playlist

Back To School Playlist

by Kevin Saez

Our staff picks for back-to-school tunes to start your year off with the right beat.

“Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2” – Pink Floyd

– Thomas Formoso, Sports Editor

“It’s Over”– Electric Light Orchestra

-Zachary Case, Chief Copy Editor

“Respect”– Aretha Franklin

-Awije Bahrami, Entertainment Editor

“I’m Ready”– Twin Shadow

-Tiffany Saez, Production Editor

“Downtown”– Macklemore

-Padraigh Gonzalez, Feature Editor

“Drag Me Down” One Direction

-Jayna Gugliucci, Managing Editor

“Don’t Stop Me Now”– Queen

Kristen Bryfogle, Editor-in-Chief

“Wildest Dreams”– Taylor Swift

Diana Rosa, News Editor

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