Home Entertainment Montclairfest and MGlow End Spring Week with a Bang

Montclairfest and MGlow End Spring Week with a Bang

by Montclarion Entertainment
Artsits performing at this year’s Montclairfest. Diego Coya | The Montclarion

Artsits performing at this year’s Montclairfest.
Photo Credit: Diego Coya

Over the weekend, the Student Government Association (SGA) presented two of the biggest events of the year to close out Spring Week: Montclairfest and MGlow.

Montclairfest was a festival filled with games, bouncy houses, food and performances by multiple artists. The artists included Omarion, DJ Vito G, Hold On Tight and Leaf.

MGlow was a paint party that involved a lot of dancing and music from professional disc jockeys Burnbomb and Aronic, and attendees were splattered with a tremendous amount of paint. Both of these events made for an unforgettable day for students.

Montclairfest was the first event that occurred during the performance-packed Saturday. Acts such as Leaf and DJ Vito G took the stage. Omarion performed songs such as “M.I.A,” “Icebox” and “Post to Be.” His performance made for an exciting and impressive concert. Attendees seemed to be very pleased and were excited for the most part.

There were other attendees, such as sophomore Marcos Castillo, who enjoyed the concert but wished it lasted longer.

In addition, there were several games and attractions that were a part of the festival. There was also a lot of food, and each attendee was given a $10 voucher for food trucks.

“With the meal voucher, students were able to save money,” said Ashley Favato, President Pro Tempore of the SGA. “We are glad that it turned out to be a great idea.”

Overall, the experience of Montclairfest was much-needed during the last few weeks of the semester.

According to Rajhon White, President of the SGA, “Despite some concerns we had in the beginning, it turned out to be a successful day.”

MGlow was a unique event that made for an incredibly exciting time. Throughout the evening, there was a variety of songs to dance to, and the event lasted for about three hours with no intermission or break.

Types of music genres that were featured at MGlow were house music, rap, some remixed rock and pop music. Every 40 minutes or so, paint was sprayed onto the attendees. As time went on, more paint splattered on the attendees and the excitement rose.

Since the tickets for MGlow were sold out the day they were released, there were far more people who went to MGlow than Montclairfest.

Even with the amount of people that went, students had a great time overall. After the success that was MGlow 2016, there are students who are anticipating this event for next year.

“It was great, super fun and I was able to relax and be stress-free one day, since the most stressful time of the semester is approaching,” Eliana Ramos, a sophomore at Montclair State, said. “It was a great experience, and I will be looking forward [to] attending next year.”

Montclairfest and MGlow turned out to be a very successful pairing. Having Omarion and other artists perform, as well as festivals and games, made for a great event. MGlow was an event that was just as successful, and students for the most part were satisfied with how both events turned out. Hopefully, both events will be held next year and will be just as successful as they were this year.


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